Sunday 25 March 2007

New Extensions

I was getting some clip in extensions ready for a client today. I could not beleive how silky and soft the hair felt. Maybe my clients hair wasn't that great and a bit dry, so when I touched the extensions they felt so much better!!! Its similar to old hair extensions. My friend bought her clip in extensions about a year ago, I cant believe she is still actually clipping them into her hair!! When I got her some new ones she was agast at the feel of them! She now buys new clipins every 3 months or so as you kinda become desensitized to the dryness of your old ones.

The grade of hair makes a huge difference too! Grade A remi hair will last a god 3 months but grade b will only last weeks at top condition. I used to buy hair extensions from Sallys but they kept drying out so much, now I realise that they are grade B I dont bother. I guess it takes lots of experience to be able to see the wuality difference in hair extenisons. When the clip ins are brand new its hard for an untrained eye to really see the difference in quality. They only realise that its grade b hair a few weeks down the line when their clips ins are dead and their friends are still shiny and perfect.

I guess by the time your on your 3rd set you get to figure it all out for yourself.

Good luck :)

Friday 23 March 2007

Clip on or clip in?

Just a quick posty, I can't firgure out if clip style hair extensions should be called, clip on hair extensions or clip in hair extensions? The thing is, with the old style hair add ons, you know, the ones that are like a synthetic pony tail on a giant claw clip. Well those ones are known as clip on hair extensions, so maybe it would be better to use clip in rather than on. I have had a nose around and most people seems to say in and not on. So I think I will carry on calling them clip inand leave the 'on' for the claw type extensions. I saw someone just recently who had one of these type of claw clip extensions. I had fogotten just how bad they look, didn't she realise that we now have a much more sleek and very real 'human hair clip in extenions.' Maybe I should take a card out with the head kandy website address on it, then every time I see these aweful claw clip extensions I can just give them a card and explain that they need the new style human hair clips. I will try and get some pictures to upload...

Thursday 22 March 2007

Clip In Hair Extensions - Begin at the beginning

This is the beginning of my blog about my favourite subject - hair! I will start with clip in hair extensions..very soon! :)